Dating Newbury

Find someone special in Newbury

We want to find someone special for you! With our members exclusively in Berkshire and a good chunk in Newbury we’re sure you’ll find your perfect match with us. We want to make it simple for you to find love - no endless personality tests or complicated signups. Just a simple straight forward online dating service with real people from Berkshire.

Why is local better?

Berkshire Singles only has members in Berkshire. Someone from around Newbury is going to have far more in common with you than someone on the other side of the country – and it’s far more difficult going out for a drink with someone if they’re a plane ride away. We think part of the reason we’re so successful at matching people up is because Berkshire Singles has a local community feel. It’s not full of scammers and faceless people. Our members have sought out a dating site that shares their ideas and are genuinely looking for a lasting relationship. It’s easy for dating sites to boast the biggest numbers but that’s no good to you if they all live miles away. Join Berkshire Singles to start meeting people in Newbury.

Find romance in Newbury for free

Membership is fast and free. Simply complete the quick registration form above to get instant access. All you need is a working email address to get started. We will never sell or pass on your personal details.

Once you are registered we recommend you take a few minutes to tell other members a little about yourself and who you are looking for and to add a recent photo. The more information about yourself you add the more potential matches we can come up with for you.

Join now to start reviewing your matches

Single men in Newbury

Find you dream date today by signing up for free and searching thousands of local single girls looking for love.

Single women in Newbury

Find a man to sweep you off your feet or just a friend to while away lonely nights with chatting online with the leading regional dating site in The UK, Berkshire Singles.

If you’ve never tried internet dating, we understand than it can seem a little daunting at first. There’s really nothing to worry about. Especially as we offer everyone in Berkshire a free starter account so you can see if Berkshire Singles is for you. You don’t even need to fill out your profile at first – you could just see who else in Newbury is also looking for love. Take the first step and sign up now for your free account.